Fees and Options

Fees and Accommodation:


Cape Town (24-27 April) - full board and lodging @ R2300

Pretoria (30 April- 3 May) - full board and lodging @ R2760


Full attendance (Pretoria/Cape Town) own accommodation: @ R1200 (including lunch)

Full attendance (Pretoria/Cape Town) @ R1800 (including lunch and supper)


Attending one day only: @ R600 (including lunch)

Attending one day only: @ R800 (including lunch and supper)


Payment details:

Name of the account: CSISA NPC

ABSA Santyger Bank

Account number: 40-8795-2977

Cheque account

Branch Code: 632 005



Clearly indicate your name and surname as reference.

 Please send the proof of payment to info@crescendosouthafrica.org

A complete application includes proof of full payment sent via email, as well as the online application form completed.